The Arrival of more Snow Birds

 It seems right now the most important event of the week is the buses coming in. It is too hot to play Shuffleboard all day long, although they do play in the evenings. So during the day time the streets are still sort of empty and not much going on until a bus comes in. This morning the CrossRoads came in from Indiana with a good amount of people and the Pioneer was full when it started off but dropped about half a dozen passengers on their way down.

Leanna is motioning the bus driver into the parking lot. She does well in things like this.

 Right now we local ones are so glad to see Snow Birds coming in. We all greet them and act like we haven't seen each other in ages. Well, we didn't since March when they went back north again. 

 Laura Beiler is taking Orla and Mary Miller to their home on Estrada. Omar and Laura recently bought this golf cart which comes in might handy in transporting passengers and luggage when needed.

I don't know who these women are but are from Holmes County Ohio.

The drivers are Marvin Mast and Donny Wagler. A few more Snow Birds were Dan & Mattie Yoder. We call them Dave Dannie & Mattie. Crist and Betty Miller, who is Corn Crist, Jr. I think Crist Sr sold seed corn years ago and the name just got handed down to the next generation. 

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