Amos Yoder

 In February 2012 Amos Yoder was taking bids at Amos Fisher's consignment sale.
 March 3, 2012 Amos Yoder was one of the auctioneers at Ray & Laura Nisley's household sale.
 This picture of Marjorie was taken March 2014. Margie's sweetness flows from this photo. After we learned to know each other she always stopped for a few words in conversation.
Amos's famous laugh after making a good shot at a shuffleboard game with John Henry Whetstone. (April 2014)
Amos will be missed in Pinecraft. If family members or anyone else wants a copy of these pictures, please let me know and I will send them via email without the watermark and a better quality photo. 

The Bus Came In

The July 4th week brings people into Pinecraft. The bus came in today a bit late but nevertheless in came in. Next Friday the bus returns north again. With a schedule like this a few Snowbirds came in for vacation, or work on their homes. One thing certain they will get soaked in sweat. The heat will loosen all their stiff joints.
 The bus was late due to a blowout and traffic jams.
 Abe Johnny's Paul's David is meeting his wife who is on the bus. John Slabaugh & wife are just seeing who is on the bus.
 I think this little guy is Malachi from Cindi's Diner in Ohio. Last winter we were friends, but here is acts like he is trying to remember who I am.
Indiana people, John & his wife came down a few weeks ago, Vera lives here and Louie & Sara are here for a week or whenever they decide to return home.

Music in Pinecraft

 One of the highlights in Pinecraft is music, groups that sing. The Pinecraft Pickers sing weekly, every Saturday evening. They normally start their season of singing after Thanksgiving and end in late March when most of them head to their northern homes. This is the only group that sings weekly, but many other groups come and go. Notices get posted where and when they will sing and every group draws a huge crowd, unless there is more than one group singing at the same time.
Then there is a few mini groups who invite people in their homes for an evening of singing. One such group is Glenn & Ken Mullet. They have two CD's listed below.

 Their website is here. Ken wrote the song "Stronger For You, Jesus".
You may also order by calling 800-779-4919 ext.410.
If you are in Pinecraft, you can pick them up at 
1018 Kaufman Ave. Phone # 941-957-0187.

Pioneer Bus Leaves

 Today the Pioneer bus was scheduled to leave for Ohio and Indiana. The Weaver guy is wiping his sweat, David is tagging luggage and Mary is seeing that luggage gets tagged. 

 A lot of luggage went into the bus today. The last of the last winter Snow Birds went home today and that is always a reason for a lot of extra baggage.
 Marvin is multitasking. 

The Overholt brothers visiting with Marvin a bit.

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