The Pioneer Bus Leaves

Yesterday the Pioneer Bus arrived with a good number of passengers, considering it is summertime. Today the bus loaded up even more passengers than they had yesterday and went north again. More and more people travel to Florida in the summer months than they did five years ago. Pinecraft, in the summer isn't as dead as it used to be.

If I am not mistaken these came down by train on Saturday and left by bus today. I don't know who these are but an older couple is from Fredericktown Ohio. 

This photo represents Pinecraft/Sarasota. 
Lester Gingerich, Beachy-Mennonite or some say Beachy-Amish.
Mary Yoder, who works at Yoder's restaurant.
Amish from Allen County Indiana.
Amish from Pennsylvania roots.
Bus driver Roy's wife.

The bus leaves. 

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