Mass Exodus Out of Pinecraft

  Vacation is over. Spring is here and it is time to go home. Today five Pioneer Trails loaded and left for the north. This brought the total number of buses going north this week to twelve. 

"Which bus are you going to drive?" Don on the right didn't know which bus was assigned to him at this given time.

 Lots of visiting and chatting while the luggage gets stowed away.

 Mosie's John visiting with his cousin Pete's daughter which happens to be my sister Barbara.

 The bus on the right going to Wooster and Berlin Ohio was the first to toot his horn and leave. 

 And another horn tooted and followed the first bus. And the third and fourth bus followed.

 The last bus usually waits for the last passengers. It is just the way it is. Today it was Geauga County girls. The taxi driver was still in motion when the doors flew open and the luggage workers rushed to grab their baggage to get them tagged and stowed in he luggage compartments. 

 The girls found their assigned seats.

 Double check to see if all passengers are on.

And the last bus left. All told it took about an hour and a half from start to finish to get more than 200 passengers loaded and out of Pinecraft. 

1 comment:

  1. Is anybody left down there? Hope so cause I still have family there.:)


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