This past Friday the TODAY producers were in Pinecraft doing some footage to be aired at a later date. We were to meet at my place at 8am sharp. The first people to arrive were Sheryl and Lena friends from Ohio, Sherry, Janet, Marietta and Larry.
Durrell Dawson, Producer-Editor of Today show, with Lena Schlabach from Ohio. Lena is a special friend of mine that I had posted about in November 2012.
Larry Is mounting a video camera on Sara's bike. I was taking Sara Haines around Pinecraft for an hour or so, showing her the neighborhood and whatever goes on in the life of Pinecraft.
The two camera people were in the back of Larry's solar buggy with the curtain rolled up.
Sara going into the park.
I had to take a shot of the Lost & Found Box. I had never seen this box with seven jackets lost.
I helped play a game of Shuffleboard with Sara and a few others. We had an audience which included two little brothers.I love the perspective of this photo.
After finishing our game I took a look at what these little boys were standing on to watch us play our game. Sara and I next settle down at a picnic table to visit.

The next thing I knew little Luke had followed and edged up to us and took a seat at the end of the table. I have a very high respect for this camera crew as they immediately clicked their camera off, for they did not have permission for Luke to be included in the shooting. We waited for Luke to leave but he didn't. He was very comfortable visiting with us. He was just adorable, a beautiful innocent little boy and never gave it a thought that he shouldn't be with us. He told us his name is Luke and he is four years old. He didn't know his daddy or mamma's name. Nor did he know if he is the oldest or youngest in the family. We waited for him to leave but he wouldn't go, so I suggested that he go find his Daddy. His answer was he knows where his Daddy is, indicating he doesn't need to go find him. So then two of the gals walked up to the Shuffleboard court and found his daddy. He came along down and apologized and picked up his youngest son. We all had a good relaxed laugh.
After we were finished at the Park I biked home and the crew went to Alma Sue's Quilt shop to do some filming and also Sherry Gore did a cooking session with them.
And then it was time for the three Pioneer Buses to load and leave. Paul consented to answer questions for the crew. Thank you, Paul.
Amanda, Sara and Durrell. It was a good day.