Pioneer Trails Came In

This is the first bus run in October and it was a full load at least from Cincinnati. In Cincinnati the Indiana and Ohio people merge onto one bus and head south with the final destination being Pinecraft Florida. Most times there are some drop offs along I-75, so it is not always full when it arrives here.

 The bus was a few hours late today, but nevertheless it arrived. 

 The first driver off the bus was Noah Chupp and the first passengers were John Schlabach and his wife from Indiana.

 Noah helped Al Miller from Geauga County Ohio off the bus. Ever since he retired his arrival date is always the first run in October and stays for six months. 

 His Pinecraft friends are here to meet him, Joe Fisher and Menno Bontrager.

 It looks like this gentleman made friends with these children on the bus.

 Mose Yoder, Andy Byler, Martha Hostetler and Wilma catching up with each other.

Last winter I knew who the man is on the left, but today I don't. This happens every fall when people start coming back.


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