Pinecraft Bean Fest

Tim Knepp, the founder of the annual Bean Fest. It all started about seventeen years ago when Tim decided to throw a surprise birthday party for his sister. Before her birthday came around the following year people asked him if he is going to do it again, make cornbread and beans for the neighborhood. He did and has been doing it ever since. His sister passed away 5-7 years ago but we are still eating cornbread and beans the first Saturday in February.  

Tim and I

Other neighbors are setting up the tables and getting everything ready for 11:30 when they start serving whoever shows up. Big Greg made the Pulled Pork for sandwiches, others brought in the cornbread and kinds of salads and desserts.

Milt Yoder is bring in the soft drinks and water. Coffee is also served.

Enjoying the food. The beans worked. They really did I heard them go off a few times as people walked around.

I watched and listened a while to music.

Three different hands strumming strings...


  1. What a hoot!!! We go to an annual *Bean Fest and Outhouse Race* in Mountain View Arkansas every year. Loads of fun!

  2. An Outhouse Race after the Bean Fest!!! I guess a few people should have raced to the outhouse when their beans started popping.

  3. Seriously, your sense of humor is exactly what I needed - you CRACK ME UPPPP!!! I love the pics and I love that this tradition continues. Oh, and I'm glad I get to feel like I'm there with a front-row seat. :)


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