Today's Auction in Pinecraft

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Last spring Amos Fisher my landlord was told if he cleans out a house on Seaview, he can have everything in it. So the house was cleaned out and the contents stored until today when he had public auction. Other people consigned some things too.
This top picture, well yesterday or a few days ago Ms Anna searched high and low in vain for some cash stowed away. She couldn't find it until this morning, it showed up when  someone was looking in the drawer of a piece of furniture. In the drawer was a box with some candy, under the box of candy was the money.  So the money was rescued before the furniture sold. 

This piano was an attraction. Every now and then music flowed out of it by all walks of people at the auction.

Edna Detweiler, Ada Troyer, Mary Ellen Mullet

The money exchangers

Mary Ann Fisher with their two sons. I will miss these boys when the leave for home in a couple of weeks.

Amos my landlord is an auctioneer and he is at in full steam.

Levi Esh and wife.

It takes a husband and wife team to wipe the baby's nose.

Looks like they are bumping heads but actually they are both gazing at the piano.

Brother-in-laws, although they look like brothers.

Nelson on the right bought my old bike.

Father and son, both from Chouteau OK.

Husband & wife

A shot from the back

Love those expressions

Lewis Wagler from Holmes County recycles ,most things nobody wants. After the auction he came with tools to take out the heavy springs from a Hide-a-bed couch.

 I was going to give him my old bike to recycle but then my landlord suggested I sell it at this auction, and so I did. I think the selling price was $30.00.   


  1. Lovely pictures Katy, Thanks for posting!!!!

  2. Looks like a fun time to me! I bet people came away with some GREAT deals.

  3. Sure wish I'd had a chance at the sewing machine in picture #4.... we arrived in Sarasota 5 days after the auction...

  4. my uncle Lester E Hostetler is in the very first (top) picture ,he is wearing the light green shirt next to the chest of drawers. Lester and his wife Sarah Ann have lived in Sarasota, I believe , all their married life. Lester is a brother to my mother


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