Gardenia's Music Fest

 These first four pictures are a part of the audience. 

 This shot looks best in black/white. It was such a tiny spot on the edge of the bigger shot.

 This past winter Steve Marner was more dead than alive. God healed him and he looks better every time I see him out and about.

 I don't know who this guy is but he basically stayed in the background.

 John Miller, a Lengacher, Lee Swartzentruber, Glen Mullet and Darrell.

 John Graber playing the accordions. He is also a harmonica player.

 Dave & Doreen or is it spelled Dorene? Or do I have the names wrong altogether?

 John is gone with the music. Sometimes he gets so tuned up he almost dances. I think it must be the Indian blood running in him for his great or great-great grandma was a little Indian girl in Holmes County. (PS, I am not sure anymore if John's lineage was Gypsy instead of Indian)

 Martha Hostetler was send home to get her accordions and got no rest until she played a few songs.

Last but not least Homer Lambright was dragged up out of the crowd and brought in to Yodel. I decided to take most of the color out of this photo to protect him, as if he needs protection. 

There were many more people singing and making music during this two hour music fest that I chose not to post. This is the last such fest on Gardenia Street until November because summer is here and there are not many people left in Pinecraft.


  1. Katie, can you comment about the Amish and musical instruments? Is it just in church services that they are not used?

  2. The Pinecraft Amish church is the only group I know of that musical instruments are okay in the homes and elsewhere. Both of the men I posted pictures are members of the Amish church down here, so that is no problem. Musical instruments in church services had been a "NO-NO" for hundred's of years and will be for the next 400 years or so. Harmonicas have been in some Amish homes for generations and most times it is a family thing and stays within the family. I remember my aunt playing the harmonica after we children were sworn to keep silent, that we will never tell anybody she played the harmonica. Her husband was ordained and she would be in big-time trouble if found out. She died 13 years ago so I am now letting the cat out of the bag. I do know there is a musical instrument other than the harmonica here and there in Holmes County, but it is frowned upon and or kept well hidden.

  3. Thanks so much for your response, Katie! Your aunt's secret is safe with me. ;-) I'm glad she and her family got to enjoy instrumental music.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. We had a harmonica in our home. I remember my dad playing it. I believe God instilled in man a love for music. I think it's sort of a shame they suspend music in their homes and also may I say in church to worship the Lord. I cannot imagine ourselves without music in our lives.


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