Glick's Doch-Vegley

 Doch-Vegley literally means "Covered Wagon." Lancaster Amish call their buggy a "Doch-Vegley", whereas other Amish not related to Lancaster Amish call their one-seater a "Buggy" and a two seater a "Surry". This is just the way it is and always will be. As of today Pinecraft has a Lancaster Doch-Vegley, besides the Illinois Amish Solar Buggy. One of these days both will be parading up and down the streets, giving people rides.

  According to my understanding the Doch-Vegley is a Christmas gift to Elmer Glick from his children. It came down last night and was kept in hiding until this morning. This is the first glimpse of it coming down Fry Street.

 Jason adjusting the mirror before turning into the park.

 Parked, and Elmer's great-grandchildren getting ready for another ride.

 Like everything else new or different in Pinecraft, it drew speculators.
 After Elmer was given the keys, he took the wheel and went for a ride.

Family members waiting for his return.

Elmer and Jason, his grandson-in-law if there is such a thing. Elmer promised me a ride. I can't wait to see this Doch-Vegley and the Solar Buggy giving rides through Pinecraft.

Daniel Ebersole was the designer and maker of this Doch-Vegley.

1 comment:

  1. Katie - this post is awesome! I live in upstate New York, and happen to know both the maker and receiver of this 'doch-vegley'. Always enjoy your posts and perspective of life. Thanks!


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