Usually the CrossRoad bus from Indiana leaves at 11am on Thursday mornings. They come in on Tuesdays and twice in the months of February and March they take a one-day Bus Tour on Wednesday and leave for the north Thursdays.
In February the Bus Tours went to Manatees, Solomon's Castle and Epcot Center. On March 11th their schedule is to Tarpon Springs and to the Everglades on March 25th. These schedules are posted on the bulletin boards.
Today I watched the bus leave as Ida Mae Gascho left for her home in Michigan after spending a week or so with her grandfather David Wagler. When I moved to Aylmer Ontario I was next door neighbor to the Joe Gascho family. I think Ida Mae was about eight years old at that time. In 1990 we parted when I left Canada and we had no connections until this winter when she came to see her Grandfather here in Pinecraft.
Ida Mae's uncle Joseph Wagler is pulling a piece of her luggage to the bus.
Grandfather David Wagler watching the crowd.
Just the normal visiting that goes on when a bus leaves. The CrossRoad is scheduled to come in very early on a Tuesday morning when we are still in bed, so they very seldom have a big crowd waiting for them.
Saying their "Good-byes".
Ida Mae and her Aunt Rhoda
And the bus leaves.
And we all leave the parking lot until the Pioneer buses come in a couple of hours later.