Song Fest by John Schmid

 I went a bit early to the park where John Schmid was scheduled to sing tonight. I knew if I want a picture of him I will have to get it ahead of time. This was taken while they were getting the sound system up and going. Glen Kandal formerly from Holmes County is the other guy.

 Two brothers, Emanuel & John Troyer were visiting with my Uncle Paul. Paul's sister-in-law Verna is these two brothers' sister.

 I am assuming these three young Amish men are brothers. They look alike, act alike and dress alike.

 Two more brothers: Philip with his back turned and Joseph Graber on the right.

 Sara and Allen Wagler 

 Looks like the dog has an ear for music.

 This active little girl was a tiny baby a year ago when they were down here. 

The parting shot.


  1. I love whatever finish you put on those pictures (I know I've said that before). They're so neat, like photos and paintings all at the same time. Great job, as always. ♥


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